Contrary to popular belief, massage therapy isn’t always candles, aromatherapy, and clients blissing out to Enya music. Sometimes, hilarious and/or CRAZY things can happen! So today we are taking our blog towards the funny side. We hope you enjoy reading these, um, interesting moments of massage that have happened to our fellow massage therapists. For more humor, check out our blog post featuring Massage Memes.

The following are some experiences of different massage therapists who have shared their stories with us:


Massage extra chargesMichael: I can’t make this up. Today my client offered to end his treatment 15 mins early to massage ME for the reminder of the session. Naturally I declined, to which he insisted. I declined again. Then, as I was finishing the treatment, working seated while massaging his neck, this man reached up and started to massage my shoulders. I had to physically remove his hands and end the treatment at this point!! What is going on with this guy!

Oh boy! Poor Michael! That must have been not only funny but also uncomfortable!



Christina: This happened a few years ago, new client. I start the massage, check in with pressure and she says the pressure is fine, but something smells like 💩. I could not believe what I was hearing. So I am looking all around to find what could be causing this smell, without success. I offered essential oils to make her experience better and did not know what else to do. Two minutes later she goes “Oh… I realized it’s just my breath that I’m smelling…I smell like crap.”

Good thing it wasn’t Christina’s fault! 😂😂

Massage cartoon


Paul: Myself and a fellow therapist were hired by a hunting lodge to come in and do four 60min massages each. They put us in the greenhouse, literally. There was a divider between us for the privacy of the clients but there was condensation dripping from the ceiling. As expected….it’s a greenhouse! An amazing one, with a manmade waterfall and everything but a greenhouse nonetheless, meaning the temperature was difficult to regulate. It’s Idaho and it was very cold at the moment.

We were told that the 3rd massage was an actual couple, so we took our divider down for that session. We see them coming and they were on the elderly side, we told them both to disrobe and get under the sheets face down. We gave them some privacy and a few minutes to do so. We stepped back in to find the man face up under the sheet…but his wife was fully nude, on top of the sheet, face down and with her feet on the face rest!! 😂 We obviously had to explain again, step out and let them fix themselves.

Side note: we were in a multi-millionaire mansion, and all the guests getting the massage were millionaires themselves. 🤑 We thought we were lucky that we were going to receive a generous tip from them, but after all that we only got $10. 😳


Yikes! We hope these stories made you smile. We’ll see you soon at Healing Hands, where our massages are NO JOKE!