Regardless of where we live, we all share the same home, Planet Earth. Every April 22nd, we celebrate Earth Day as a way to thank this planet for all the good things it has to offer.

An annual remembrance is important, but the best way to protect Mother Earth is by making it a lifelong habit to care for her and respect her. We’d like to share some of our favorite ways you can create a more earth-friendly lifestyle:

One World

  1. Say NO to paper

Paying bills or getting copies of receipts or account statements is now much faster and easier through the internet, so there is no longer any need to use paper billing. Most businesses already offer paperless options for statements and letters. Another advantage of going paperless: all of your documents and important paperwork can easily be stored in the computer instead of in a filing cabinet.

  1. Buy in a box, not in a bottle

Many brands have become more earth-friendly, modifying the packaging of their products from plastic bottles to cardboard boxes, which are kinder to the ecosystem. When you have a choice which products to buy, remember if you choose the boxed version you will be helping the planet. You can also perform a google search for zero waste markets near me, bring your own bags and boxes, and do the shopping like in the good old days (i.e., pre-Amazon).

  1. Reusable wrapping paper

During holidays like Christmas, Valentine’s Day, or any special occasion, the amount of garbage generated due to wrapping paper and gift bags is enormous…most of which is not recyclable. Why not reuse it for future gifts? It’s a win-win: you save money by not buying additional bags, and less ends up in the landfill. Also consider the option to get crafty and create your own gift wrap with newspaper or brown bags (both of which are recyclable). Here are a few more options for greener gift-wrapping ideas. And if you really want to take it to the next level, make your own recycled paper cards with plant seeds (to plant after reading).

Newspaper wrapping

  1. Dry your clothes in the sun

One of life’s modern miracles is without a doubt the washing machine! Most of us have both a washer and a dryer, but the energy expended by a dryer is a LOT. When possible, try drying your clothes in the sun. We live in the Sunshine State for a reason! Let’s get a healthy benefit from all that sunshine!

  1. Use rechargeable batteries

According to the U.S. EPA Office of Solid Waste, Americans purchase nearly 3 billion dry-cell batteries every year. Batteries contain heavy metals, which can contaminate the environment when batteries are improperly disposed of. The best option is to buy rechargeable batteries, which will save you money and prevent further damage to the environment.

  1. Cloth shopping bags

Many supermarkets, such as Whole Foods, Aldi, and recently some Publix stores, have decided to stop using plastic bags. You can bring your own cloth bags to carry your purchases. You can also use reusable see-through produce bags. All of this greatly reduces the amount of plastic that often ends up in the ocean and elsewhere. A tip to help you not forget your bags at home is to always return them to the car when you’re done putting your groceries away. However, if you ever do forget them and end up getting plastic bags, many supermarkets have the option to recycle them when you come back!


Hopefully these few tips help bring awareness to ways to care for our planet. Everything you do now, has a “downstream” impact later. Just make sure that impact is beneficial to Mother Earth! 🌎