Happy Wednesday folks! Believe it or not, Wednesday is one of our busiest days at the studio. A hump day massage seems to be a pretty common fix for the mid-week blues and we’re here for it!


Recently we’ve been getting some new clients who are getting a massage for the first time and we noticed there seems to be some confusion on the proper “etiquette” regarding talking during a massage.

Many of our clients have told us that they weren’t sure if they should say anything during the massage because of the quiet and serene atmosphere in our studio, and only told us after the fact that they would like x customization, wanted more focus on x area, or wanted to adjust the pressure for next time.


Sooo let’s get something straight. We WANT to know this, and we want to know it while you’re on the table!  We pride ourselves on having the most customizable massages in Miami, so our main priority is giving you the massage you need based on YOUR exact preferences and needs. This is why we have you fill out an in-depth intake form before you come in. However, we also need you to communicate with us in the moment if you’d like us to adjust something. Every body is different, therefore every massage should be different.

Now don’t get us wrong, we strive to make massages as indulgent and relaxing as possible (it is your “me time” after all), so our massage therapists won’t be trying to make conversation with you (unless of course you initiate it, in which case they’re perfectly happy to chat). Usually the only time they talk is to ask about the level of pressure whether they should adjust it.


So, from the team of therapists here at Healing Hands: please talk to us! We are always happy to adjust and customize your massage in order to best meet your needs.