New Year, New You!


We’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately about how to best support your employees during this time (so much so that we’re completely revamping our wellness programs, stay tuned…!).


While doing so, we came across a great article on geared towards helping employers support remote employees and their wellness goals. For obvious reasons, this is a highly relevant topic given the time of year, and the time of…life? 2020 is over, but the pandemic, and all the havoc that came with it, is NOT.


The article offers three key points for employers to implement in order to best support their employees:


  1. Encourage at-home physical exercise: You want your employees to stay safe, and you also want to help them reach their fitness goals. Enter at-home movement. Or outside movement! Just, you know…as long as it’s socially-distanced How can an employer encourage this? By encouraging movement breaks. Yes, you read that right. Encourage your employees to take a movement break when they need it, and watch their productivity and focus skyrocket! Make sure they know it’s okay to take a walk around the block with their dog, or take a 30-minute Zumba class (we help you with this part), or do some yoga stretches (yep we have that too) – anything that will help them focus and work better.


  1. Share and discuss ways to relieve stress: It’s not just about offering a mindfulness class one time and calling it a day. Rather, it’s about encouraging a culture of mindfulness and self-care/stress relief both in – and out – of the office. For this reason, our clients who take an active role in promoting and maintaining a year-round wellness program see the best results. Why not let your employees off 30 minutes early on Fridays so they can squeeze in some self-care? Why not let them take a long lunch so they can also attend that mindfulness class? The possibilities are endless, you just have to be creative, and thoughtful.


  1. Help them feel – and BE – connected: Obviously the pandemic has made many of us feel lonely and isolated. So it’s important to help your employees remember that they are a valued part of the team. A suggestion is to send physical care packages on birthdays and special occasions. Another great idea? Group fitness classes tailored specifically for your employees, with the purpose of helping them destress and connect with their peers.

How are YOU supporting your employees’ wellness? We encourage you to give this question some thought, and let us know what you come up with!