National Hotel & infinity pool

Imagine lying on a comfortable massage table or chair, the sun gently warming your skin while a soft breeze carries the scent of blooming flowers. Birds chirp in the background, and you can hear the distant rustle of leaves or maybe the lapping of waves on the nearby shore. This isn’t a dream—it’s an outdoor massage, and it’s one of the most refreshing ways to rejuvenate body and mind.

At Healing Hands, we have done plenty of massage events outdoors. Although they have mostly been corporate or post-race events, we are starting poolside chair massages at our Miami Beach location at the National Hotel next month (October 2024)!

What exactly makes an outdoor massage so special? Let’s explore!


Outdoor massage after a race

  1. Natural Stress Relief

Nature has a profound impact on our stress levels. The sights, sounds, and smells of the great outdoors can significantly reduce cortisol, the stress hormone. An outdoor massage leverages this natural stress relief, providing a double dose of relaxation.


Outdoor chair massage

  1. Enhanced Sensory Experience

An outdoor setting offers a multi-sensory experience that you simply can’t get indoors. The feeling of the sun’s warmth, the sound of wind rustling through the trees, and the scent of fresh air combine to create a holistic healing environment. This sensory immersion can deepen the relaxation and make the massage even more effective.
Woman getting massaged outdoors in a leafy setting


  1. Vitamin D Boost

Spending time outdoors exposes you to sunlight, which is a natural source of Vitamin D. This vital nutrient is essential for bone health, immune function, and mood regulation. An outdoor massage allows you to soak up some sun safely, providing a natural boost to your health.


A woman in the sunlight

  1. Fresh Air Equals Better Breathing

Fresh air is invigorating and can improve your breathing. During an outdoor massage, the clean, oxygen-rich air can enhance your respiratory function, helping you to relax more deeply and fully enjoy the massage experience. Another way to increase your breathing quality is by doing some Yoga, specially now during National Yoga Awareness Month.


Outdoor massage with stretching

  1. Connection with Nature

Okay, so this picture of getting a massage in a parking lot is not the greatest, but look at what’s just beyond the asphalt – greenery! This event took place at the annual Key Biscayne Lighthouse Run at the beautiful Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park. An outdoor massage fosters a deeper connection with nature. In our fast-paced, tech-driven world, taking time to reconnect with the natural environment can be incredibly grounding and restorative. This connection can enhance your overall sense of well-being and bring you a sense of peace – or as we like to call it, a Digital Detox.


Outdoor massages are becoming increasingly popular as more people seek to combine the therapeutic benefits of massage with the invigorating effects of nature. Take advantage of Miami’s views, cooler weather (coming soon – we hope! LOL), and our professional team to experience the benefits of Miami’s best massage today!